Sustainable landscape master plan for Minnesota college campus

About this project

Macalester College
$44,000 (Barr's fees)
completion date

Macalester College set a goal to generate zero waste by 2020 and become carbon neutral by 2025. The college hired Barr to create a sustainable landscape master plan to help it achieve these goals. Working with school administrators and with input from students and faculty, Barr created a plan that:

  • guides and informs decision-making about the campus grounds to allow for carbon sequestration, reduce urban heat island effect, and provide outdoor spaces for student use

  • develops a landscape that is attractive, is ecologically sound, does not increase maintenance, and allows for multiple uses

  • addresses stormwater management, plant diversity, soil improvement, and energy efficiency

Large areas of turf were converted to low-maintenance plantings to shade buildings, provide wildlife habitat, clean stormwater, and build soil. Pervious pavement and rain gardens increase runoff-water quality and reuse water for irrigation purposes. The campus plan is currently being implemented and serves as a demonstration of sustainable landscape design principles.

Key team members

Fred Rozumalski

Landscape Architect and Ecologist

Brendan Dougherty

Senior Landscape Architect

Kurt Leuthold

Vice President
Senior Civil Engineer

Matt Metzger

Senior Civil Engineer

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