Fred Rozumalski

Fred Rozumalski

Fred has more than three decades of experience in landscape architecture, ecology, horticulture, native-landscape design and restoration, and lake, stream, and wetland shoreline restoration, working with a broad range of public and private clients. He strives to work with nature to create economically viable, low-maintenance landscapes that are functional and beautiful while also supporting plant and animal diversity. His green-infrastructure stormwater-management BMPs incorporate rainwater gardens, pervious pavement, and underground storage. He also conducts natural resources inventories and cultural site analyses, designs parks, restores native-plant communities, and develops park and natural resource management plans. Fred helps clients adapt to climate change and develop resiliency strategies. A frequent lecturer on ecologically sound landscape design, water conservation, soil regeneration, and climate-change resiliency, he has also served as adjunct faculty for the University of Minnesota’s Department of Landscape Architecture. 



Landscape Architect and Ecologist


BLA, Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

BS, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities


Barr Engineering Co.
4300 MarketPointe Drive
Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55435
Phone: +1 952-832-2733

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Landscape master plan for Minnesota college campus
Landscape master plan for watershed district
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