Air-quality services for steel company

About this project

Completion date

Barr has been testing a confidential steel client’s stack emissions at multiple facilities in Minnesota for a quarter century. In part because of our longstanding service to client, Barr was hired to perform a demanding stack test project at a coke oven works to gather data in response to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Coke Ovens Information Collection Request (ICR). 

Barr helped the client scope the project in agreement with EPA and industry collaborators and undertook testing at coke oven battery combustion and quench tower sources.  We wrote the test plan, performed testing, and prepared the report. Barr mobilized a 10-person team comprising two 14-hour daily shifts in order to test around the clock for 11 consecutive days.

According to the EPA, our work product was the sole test report submitted by the industry on time with project deadlines set by the agency. EPA technical review of the 1,000-page report resulted in just one question—an unusually low number of comments for projects of this size and complexity—which was addressed promptly in a report revision.

Key team members

Tom Kuchinski
Vice President
Tim Russell
Vice President
Senior Chemical Engineer

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