Ryan Siats

Ryan Siats

Ryan has 16 years of experience with environmental assessments, permitting, auditing, and compliance for mines and other industrial facilities. He oversees large, complex environmental reviews, permitting projects, and technical studies associated with developing, constructing, and operating new and expanded facilities in multiple states. He has led teams on numerous mining EIS and EA projects involving the Bureau of Land Management and other federal and state agencies.

Ryan has assisted clients with PSD and Title V permit applications involving PTE, BACT, regulatory applicability, air quality modeling, and regulatory compliance. He also performs technical and economic feasibility studies for pollution-control equipment and processes, and performs site evaluations and investigations. In addition, he has served as an ISO 14001 internal auditor for multiple facilities in the iron-ore-mining and steel industries.


Vice President
Senior Environmental Consultant


MBA, University of Phoenix

BS, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota-Duluth


Barr Engineering Co.
325 South Lake Avenue
Suite 700
Duluth, MN 55802
Phone: +1 218-788-6364