Laurie Beth Nederveld

Laurie Beth Nederveld

LaurieBeth has more than 15 years of experience in natural resource management, including field surveying and reporting, environmental permitting, and mitigation monitoring and strategy. She is proficient in wetland and stream delineation and functional assessment, vegetation surveying, aquatic invertebrate and habitat surveying, and water quality monitoring. Her protected species expertise involves desktop review and on-site habitat assessment such as migratory-bird-nest and bat-roost-tree surveying. LaurieBeth also administers watershed and stormwater management projects and prepares environmental assessments based on National Environmental Policy Act regulations. She primarily serves clients in the fuels, mining, and power sectors.


Senior Ecologist
Office Business Unit Representative


Michigan Certified Storm Water Operator (MI)

Erosion & Stormwater Management (MI)

Certified MSHA Instructor (MSHA)


MS, Natural Resources Management, Grand Valley State University


Barr Engineering Co.
3005 Boardwalk Drive
Suite 100
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: +1 734-922-4419