Kristine Corneillie

Kristine Corneillie

Kristine has more than 20 years of experience consulting on water quality, wastewater, stormwater, recycled water, and watershed management. She has assisted municipalities and agencies with NPDES permit renewal applications and negotiations, special studies, and enforcement proceedings. Her background includes drafting regional watershed permits and plans for sewer-system management, TMDL implementation, wasteload allocation attainment, trash reduction and implementation, and sampling and analysis plans. She has also conducted data analysis for site-specific objectives, water-effect ratio, and metal-translator studies, and has led projects focused on environmental impacts, pollution prevention, and source identification and control. At Barr, Kristine’s project work includes regulatory guidance and permitting for industrial wastewater and stormwater, stormwater pollution prevention plan development and implementation, and PFAS monitoring and regulatory implementation analysis.


Senior Environmental Engineer


MS, Civil Engineering, University of California-Davis

BS, Physics, Alma College


Barr Engineering Co.
3033 Orchard Vista Dr SE
Suite 200
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Phone: +1 616-512-7045