Charlene McGue

Charlene McGue

Charlene has more than three decades of experience with environmental science and consulting. She develops comprehensive closure strategies and plans for sites with environmental contamination, including planning and implementing remedial investigations, risk assessments, interim response actions, remedial response actions, operation and maintenance, and monitoring. Her technical strengths include characterizing contaminated sites through environmental sampling of groundwater, soil, soil-gas, surface water, and sediment; evaluating environmental contamination under Michigan's land-use-based cleanup criteria; designing and evaluating aquifer tests; evaluating groundwater flow systems; and evaluating contaminant fate and transport including natural attenuation.


Vice President
Senior Environmental Consultant


MS, Ohio State University

BS, Geology, Ohio State University


Barr Engineering Co.
3033 Orchard Vista Dr SE
Suite 200
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Phone: +1 616-512-7021