Bill has more than four decades of experience related to the investigation, evaluation, design, construction, and permitting of dams, river-walls, intake and outlet structures, and barge-mooring facilities. He is a FERC-approved independent consultant for dam-safety inspections and has led potential-failure-mode analysis (PFMA) exercises for high-hazard dam projects. His design experience includes new dams and levees, as well as dam-rehabilitation and -reconstruction projects. He has served as the engineer of record for dam-safety design projects, including spillway repairs and replacements, gate and penstock replacements, foundation seepage improvements, and embankment-dam filter-drain designs.
Bill has also provided structural, civil, geotechnical, and water-resources engineering services for clients in the mining, power, and forest-products industries, as well as a variety of governmental agencies. His permitting and licensing efforts for dam and mining-related projects include FERC hydropower licensing studies and license applications, dam-safety permitting, and permit-to-mine applications.
Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Professional Engineer (MI, MN, SD, UT)
BS, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Barr Engineering Co.
4300 MarketPointe Drive
Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55435 Phone: +1 952-832-2843