Art Kalmes

Art Kalmes

Art has more than three decades of experience in water resources and civil engineering. He specializes in work involving dams and levees, tailings management, civil engineering design, hydrology and hydraulics, floodplain management, and stormwater management. Art has served as principal or project manager for planning, permitting, design, and construction efforts at several large mines spanning five continents. He has managed more than 100 natural resources and stormwater projects and conducted over 70 floodway and floodplain evaluations.



Vice President
Senior Civil Engineer


Professional Engineer (BC, MB, MI, MN, NB, ND, SK, TX)


MS, Civil Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia

BS, Iowa State University


Barr Engineering Co.
4300 MarketPointe Drive
Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55435
Phone: +1 952-832-2990

Related projects

Dam safety consultations for SaskPower
Mine closure and reclamation
Flood forecast mapping for city's emergency response and planning efforts